Friday, February 14, 2014

M is for Mama, Mama McZeen.

I discovered I had a passion for Photography a few years ago. I finally figured out that my truest passion comes out when doing things out of my comfort zone. All this time I was always scared to get "Too Creative" or "Artsy Fartsy". I felt I wasn't a natural at that so I was always apprehensive about being incapable of producing AMAZING photos if I tried something out of the ordinary. I always take people to kind of the same locations or do kind of the same poses... but yesterday was different. Yesterday I let loose, thought less, and silenced that overly cautious voice in the back of my head that kept saying "don't do it." I finally let go of fear. The photos below are the result of my recent spontaneous actions.   

I am thrilled to say that I am NEVER, I mean never, going back into that tiny little speck called a "comfort zone" ever again. I mean, how are we suppose to grow in anything that we do if we keep doing the same things over and over again with NO change whatsoever? Life is about progressing. There's no room for progression when you're stuck inside of your comfort zone. I'm beyond grateful I finally realized that. Fear was the result of myself holding back all this time. Thank you Macky for helping me break away from the bondage of Fear. Happy to say, I'm no longer going to be imprisoned by her. Not anymore!


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